LAE Biotech LAE Biotech LAE Biotech

Sumoylation Reagents

New affinity purified proteins and highly specific antibody involved in detecting sumoylation in vitro. Reagents include SUMO-1 antibody , SAEI/SAEII active protein, UBC9 active protein, SUMO-1 active protein, SUMO-3 active protein, and Sumoylation control kit (with or without proteins).

Figure: SUMO-1 mechanism (Source: TRENDS in Biochemical Sciences Vol.26 No.5 May 332-333, 2001)


   Sumoylation Functions:

  • Protein subcellular localization
  • RanGAP-1: localized to the nuclear pore complex.
  • PML: nuclear body (POD) formation.
  • Regulation of the protein function
  • Increasing p53 transactivation activity.
  • Increasing the DNA binding ability of transcription factor, HSF2.
  • Regulation of protein stability
  • Preventing Mdm2 ubiqutination.
  • Preventing I?B ubiqutination.



In Vitro Sumoylation active components

New affinity purified proteins and highly specific antibodies involved in detecting Sumoylation activity in vitro. You will definitely need active sumoylation proteins for your assay. We can supply with the full set of sumoylation proteins includingSAEI/SAEII, UBC9, SUMO-1, SUMO-3. You can start your sumoylation assays right away.


Figure: S35-Met-labeled TOPO I sumoylated with sumo-1 and sumo-3

Right Lane: Topo I protein; Middle Lane: Sumo-I sumoylated Topo I; Left Lane: Sumo-3 sumoylated Topo I.


Sumoylation control kit (Cat# K006/K007)

You may not be confident to perform sumoylation assay with your substrate yet. Using our control kit for Topo I SUMO reaction, you can be sure that you have everything in place.

Sumo-1 antibodies

Try our highly specific sumo-1 antibody for your sumoylaiton assay.

SUMO-1 antibody


Figure: Western blots (12.5% SDS-PAGE) of sumoylated 50Kd-Topo I substrate with anti-topo I antibody (AP006) and anti-SUMO I antibody (AP018)

Lane 1 & 2 are blotted with 1,000-fold diluted anti-topo I antibody (AP006).
Lane 3 & 4 are blotted with 1,000-fold diluted anti-SUMO I antibody (AP018).
Lane 1 and Lane 3 are 50Kd-Topo I substrate (B007).
Lane 2 and Lane 4 are sumoylated 50Kd-Topo I substrate which are obtained by incubating 2 ml of 50Kd-Topo I substrate with 2 ml E1 (P001), 2 ml of E2 (P002), 2 ml of SUMO I (P003), 2 ml of 10X sumoylation buffer (B006), 2 ml of 20 mM ATP and 8 ml of H2O at 37oC for 45 min.